Where does Osteopathy come from?

Osteopathy is an established, holistic system of medicine, originally developed in the USA in the 1880s. It uses similar procedures to conventional medicine, such as case history taking, clinical examination, imaging and laboratory investigations, to formulate a differential diagnosis. Osteopaths also utilise palpation, a highly developed sense of touch to complement their diagnostic process.

Osteopaths have an enviable record in diagnosing and treating many musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) such as neck and back pain. However, the scope of Osteopathy is much broader than just the treatment of MSD.

What Does Osteopathy Involve?

Osteopathic treatment consists of manual techniques, which range from classical structural approaches, such as soft tissue massage, articulation and HVT (manipulative treatment), to very gentle approaches such as Cranio-Sacral and functional/fascial approaches, including the use of gentle visceral manipulation.

The actual treatment used depends on the patient, their preferences and the type of condition they have. Lifestyle factors, such as nutrition and stress, contribute to many of the health problems that the Osteopath encounters – facts reflected in your evaluation and subsequent health management strategies.

Osteopathic treatment can be applicable to many health care problems and to all ages, from babies to the elderly. Osteopaths are regulated by statute in the UK, under the General Osteopathic Council.